La pratica quotidiana della natura ci permea della sua originalità come fonte pressochè inesauribile di ispirazione, lavoro e pensiero.
La consapevolezza e analisi dei suoi segni ci trova in sintonia con Triennale Milano nell’intento di riunire e ispirare i tanti mondi del progetto.
Abbiamo raccolto l’idea di realizzare la nuova ambientazione verde del Caffè Triennale caffè proprio perchè anche un momento di pausa e relax possa favorire il ripensamento di modi di vivere più vicini alle necessità dell’uomo e del pianeta.
The daily practice of nature permeates us with its uniqueness as an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration, work and thought.
The awareness and analysis of nature’s signs find us in tune with Triennale Milano with the aim of bringing together and inspiring the many facets of the project. We embarked on the idea of creating the new green setting of the Caffè Triennale precisely because even a moment of pause and relaxation can encourage the rethinking of ways of living closer to the needs of mankind and the planet.
I nostri vivai, soprattutto quelli di nuova realizzazione, sono progettati per ridurre al minimo l’impatto ambientale e l’utilizzo delle risorse naturali. I nostri sistemi di irrigazione sono in grado di raccogliere fino al 95% delle acque drenate non assorbite, in casse di espansione che oltre ad assicurarci la totale autonomia idrica, mitigano i rischi di alluvioni e di dissesti idrogeologici.
Our nurseries, especially the more recent ones, are designed to have a minimum impact on the environment and focus on the use of natural resources. Our watering systems save up to 95% of the water that is not absorbed, storing it in basins that not only guarantee we are totally independent in terms of our irrigation needs but also lower the risks of flooding and hydro-geological instability.
After years of trials and experiments, also conducted with the support of scientific institutes, we now use a natural mulch made from waste wood granules that stops weeds growing so we don’t have to turn to chemical weedkiller. The breathable, water-permeable anti-algae blankets we use with our container-grown plant units have the same purpose. The posts of the rows in our new fields are made of chestnut wood from the Apennine mountains above Pistoia, sourced from suppliers who are authorised and controlled by the Regional Forestry Commission. All our containers are made from recycled plastic. Today, the future is also a young plant that will grow into tree.
oltre 60 paesi nel mondo dove esportiamo / 545 ettari di vivai / oltre 900 collaboratori ( 300 dei quali diretti )
oltre 3.000 varietà di piante / 1 parco vivaistico / 1 campus
we export to over 60 countries around the world / 545 hectares of nurseries / more than 900 partners ( including 300 employees)
more than 3.000 plant varieties / 1 pistoia nursery park / 1 pistoia nusery campus